Eating vegan is expensive!
“Eating vegan is so expensive”….. says everyone that has tried a vegan diet and didn’t last. I started my vegan journey almost five years ago and I can’t lie it was a struggle in the beginning, and like most I almost gave up. As time went on I found ways to enjoy plant based meals on a budget.
Vegan pre-packaged foods like proteins, cheeses and even mayo are super convenient. Some of these items are very delicious however, the price can add up, if that’s all you’re eating. When transitioning to a plant based diet you should make it fun. Get creative with meals make your own veggie burgers and freeze them! You do not need to buy every vegan cheese or meat substitute on the market.
Would you eat Filet mignon everyday? …. I’m sure the answer is no, why? Because it can get expensive. If you’re on a plant based diet and you eat a “Beyond burger” with “Follow your heart” cheese everyday it can get expensive too.
Here are a few tips to help you save money by eating vegan meals.
Buy fresh produce weekly
Fresh is always best! Fresh produce is less expensive remember They do not all have to be organic just the ones that have soft skins that you may eat whole like strawberries and tomatoes. Your body is a temple and you should treat it that way. Fuel your body with fresh fruits and veggies.
Be sure to clean your produce before storing. Apple cider vinegar is great for cleaning fruits and veggies. Add 2tbs of ACV to 1 cup of water. The ACV will also preserve the freshness of fruits like strawberries.
Prep all veggies
Vegan meals a super easy to make especially when you have your produce prepped already. I am a mom on the go and I can make a full plant based dinner in 20 mins as long as the veggies are prepped. Tip: on the day you shop for groceries be sure to wash and pre cut enough produce for at least three days.
Meal plan
Proper planing prevents poor performance! (say that 3x fast).
Plan your meals out for the week and if your feeling spicy do the whole month. Need help? I can help you plan out meals for you and your family for the month. Follow me on Instagram Vegan Chef Ash .
Snacks are your best friend
It’s a hectic day, you have 5 errands to run before family game night , it’s 1 pm and you haven’t even had breakfast. You decide to stop at the local juice bar and grab a veggie patty and a smoothie your total is $20 (huh?) Save your cash and plan ahead!
Prep your own smoothies in freezer bags they will last in the freezer for 3 weeks. All you have to do is add to blender with your favorite plant based milk.
I always keep trail mix in my bag and a cooler in my trunk to store fruits and water if I know I’ll be out all day.
Planning ahead will save you money!
Hi my name is Ashley AKA Chef Ash and I am a Plant based mom, and Entrepreneur . I’m completely addicted Creating new meals and watching Chopped, and have my own vegan delivery service in New York called The Vegan Plan Meal Prep .