Why do you Meditate?
I meditate for peace…
I seek peace within. When I create inner peace, my outer world becomes more peaceful.
I explore what meditation means to me. My meditation is unique to me. I practice what works for me regardless of what works for others. I am at peace with my meditation practice.
I carve out moments of peace throughout my day wether I am home or stopped at a red light. Just sitting and drinking my cup of Key lime tea in the morning can bring in peaceful thoughts of non-judgement.
A simple breath can bring peace. I return to peace as the calm after a storm.
I carry my peace with me. I think peaceful thoughts. I pause between thoughts to create space in my mind. I close windows in my brain when it becomes cluttered. I return to peace.
Peace is my state of mind.
I enjoy walking in nature to drink in peace from the fresh air. I sit in the sunlight to brighten my thoughts.
Walking barefoot and giving back to the earth reconnects me with the rhythm of life. I can feel the tree breathe. I breathe with the tree. I feel the energy of Mother Earth rise up and renew my peace.
I use water to calm my nerves. Whether it is a shower or a swim in the ocean, the water bathes me in peace. Simply drinking water returns me home to peace.
I always return to peace. It is my nature.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. How can I cultivate a more peaceful nature?
2. What brings me serenity?
3. Who disturbs my peace? Who increases my peace? What can I do to return to greater peace in each moment?